Hi Sue,

See after that i find in Google.

Philippe Garnier
Paris - France


The habit of St. Francis is the habit of the Order which he himself founded the 
Order of the Franciscans. He is a sign of his consecration to God and serves to 
distinguish the sacred from the popular. It is also a sign of poverty and 
humility, because it avoids the use of mundane costumes. It characterizes 
marriage and fidelity to a religious order. Habit makes visible the presence of 
God and the Church in the person of the religious. It is a typical Franciscan 

Le mardi 29 novembre 2016 04:33:36 UTC+1, Sue Q a écrit :
> Hi, group members:
> I got all of this death record up until Line 6 when it discusses her 
> burial. 
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/GRA-SC-SANTACRUZ-O-1778-1815/GRA-SC-SANTACRUZ-O-1778-1815_item1/P114.html
> The entry is for Antonia do Rosario and its the bottom entry on the left 
> page.
> Following is my attempt at figuring out the words but I couldn't get it 
> all and am hoping for help. I realize I've probably massacred this, but I 
> thought I'd try!  I think it says something to the effect that she was 
> dressed in the habit of San Francisco and buried in homemade clothes, and 
> accompanied by the ?? reverend of this church and some about the sisters of 
> the church of Santa Cruz...  Can someone straighten me out on this?
> Foi em habito de San Francisco sepultada dos fabricas e acompanhados os 
> seus?  Belegosoz (Religioso), Reverendo Collegio desta matriz de irman 
> (irmão?) de igreja de Santa Cruz ___? desta matriz  ? and I have no idea 
> what the rest of it says. 
> And a question regarding what people information put in their genealogies: 
> I'm curious as to whether you include the legal and church information that 
> appears or just put in the meat of the biographical information?
> Sue

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