I'd need to log into your DNA page to see exactly what you are talking

In general, X match follows are particular inheritance pattern.

I'll start with a male. The 23rd chromosome is the sex chromosome. He got
XY - Y from dad (that makes him a man) and an X from mom. Mom is XX. She
gave one of her Xs to him. We don't know which one. So let's look at mom:

Mom is XX (making her female). She got 1 X from her dad and one X from her
mom. Let's look at her dad (grandpa) who is XY:

Grandpa XY got Y from his dad and X from his mom. Grandma got 2 XXs: one
from each of her parents.

For a match with a female, it's twice the fun since we are born with 2 Xs:
One from mom and one from dad.

It's pretty confusing to explain in an email. Here are some articles with
pictures of fan charts showing the inheritance pattern:
Blaine Bettinger's blog: https://goo.gl/GUcXXK
Roberta Estes' blog: https://goo.gl/Jj975w

You want an X match of 10 cMs or more AND you are matching on the other
autosomes as well. A match only on the X may be too distant in time.

If you send me a private email with some good days and times to call you, I
can take a look at your matches and explain in more specific terms. Just
let me know.
Cheri Mello, Azores DNA Project Admin

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Judy Thompson <judyte...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Trying to understand x-match.  If I have a family finder and x-match with
> a female and she is not a match for my aunt, who is my father's sister,
> then is she only a match with my mother's father and/or her mother?  If so,
> is there any way to tell if the match is to one or the other of my mother's
> parents?
> Thx.
> Judy
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