"In Common With" is a list of names that match you and the other person.
Across ALL lines. It may or may not contain X matches.

Cousin Vicky matches my mom on one line and she also matches my dad on one
of his American lines.

I suggest your contact your husband's project admin for more advice. The
admins can see his pages and will be able to understand what you mean.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Cheri Mello <gfsche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Repost for Marsha Stringer, stringer at mstringer.net
> Hi from snowy Boston,
> FTDNA ‘In Common With’ search question/problem?
> This morning: Read Cheri’s message, printed fan chart, ready to
> cut/tape/color it in : )
> Yesterday: Discovered/Experimented with the FamilyFinder ‘In Common With’
> Search [select one person to compare w your own results to see who the two
> parties have in common].  Selected known matches of my husband [paper
> research and DNA] and ran the comparison for each.  Created an Excel page
> to record the resulting lists.
> Problem (realized per Cheri’s explanation):  Xmatches are in the results
> of two paternal-line searches (which is not ‘correct’).   Am I not
> understanding ‘In Common With’?  I thought the results would help sort some
> of the unidentified matches in to groups of the identified shared
> ancestors.
> Search 1: Male & Male, identified 4th cousins.  Husb. paternal line.  In
> Common With results include 1 male and 1 female Xmatch.
> Search 2: Male & Female, identified 5th cousins.  Husb. paternal line.
> In Common With results include 1 male Xmatch
> Marsha Stringer

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