This isn't a map but it's a list of streets and postal codes for Graciosa.
Not sure if all streets are there. It has been interesting for me to browse
my Sao Jorge communities so it might be interesting for you to look at


On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 9:44 AM Ken Waters <> wrote:

Hi Susan,

Wow, I didn't know about that.  Thank you so much for catching that.  Does
anybody on the list know where I can get a good map of Graciosa that would
include street names?  Google Maps only labels no more than 5-10% of the
streets for the island.  There must be a better map somewhere---something
like the maps I saw with that grave-marking website that was recently
mentioned on this list but unfortunately only had 4 of the islands on it
and didn't include Graciosa.  I did try Google but pretty much any websites
I found just ended up embedding Google Maps in there anyway which takes me
back to the same problem.

Maybe somebody has access to such a map and could possibly identify how to
find it in Google Maps?



On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 8:48 AM, 'Susan Murphy' via Azores Genealogy <> wrote:

Hi Ken,

I think you have made some great decisions and are making wonderful
progress!  Sorry to scare you off of SATA but I have a feeling that the
flight that you take from Terceira to Graciosa might be with SATA? I really
am no expert at all, but I want to reassure you, if it is, that those inter
island flights on SATA were very good!  The long flights to and from the US
were the ones that with which we have had all the problems.

Really good idea to just try to have quality time on Graciosa!  I took a
look at some of your records and just wanted to make sure you saw that they
give the actual street on which your grandfather was born. Caminho das
Fontes!  Maybe you will get even more clues in these records but this is a
wonderful bit of information. You can certainly find that street and know
you are walking in the footsteps of your ancestors!!

Very excited for you!

Susan Vargas Murphy

On Mar 1, 2017, at 7:23 AM, Ken Waters <> wrote:


Thanks so much for the replies and suggestions.  I combined all my comments
and updates into one e-mail in order to avoid posting too many individual
posts on the list.

Given the comments I saw on SATA it sounds like using TAP as proposed may
be a good choice. I think I'd like to pass on getting the "I survived SATA"
t-shirt (and the experience).  :-)

As I mentioned I found $82 Lisbon-Terceira.  I found Lisbon-Graciosa
(changing in Terceira) for $144.  I like the idea of taking one of the
ferries but from what I saw online and comments found it seems the service
can be irregular.  Indeed, online it looked like service was only once a
week, particularly during the off-season and I couldn't even find a
schedule.  Given all that I feel it might be safer to look at the
Lisbon-Graciosa flights.  Perhaps a longer stay could involve the ferry (I
love the idea of taking a boat for the scenic aspect) but not this time.

I took seriously the comments about strategy regarding one versus multiple
islands.  I'm pretty locked into no more than 4 days maximum and so I think
I'd like to take the tack of doing one island well and that one should be
the one where I might have the biggest bang in terms of family searching.
That will allow enough time to thoroughly soak up the culture as well as
search for my possible da Silva relations in person and in records.

I did take a look at AirBNB and was pleased to find a couple of facilities
that look very promising and at very reasonable rates.  I think I will
attempt to use one of them for the stay.

Now, shifting to the da Silva line, I want to thank those who sent
promising notes about da Silva/Silva connections in Graciosa:  Leonard, Sue
Q, and Don.  I would like to follow up with each of you.  I plan on doing
some more pre-trip legwork (including CCA research) to give me a better
chance of success on the island.  Along those lines, I started building a
website ( to help me
keep track of my da Silva family and the records found.  I've still got 4
more that I need to find (please disregard those placeholder links for
now) and add to the website but do have 4 on there now.  I included both my
digital image excerpts of each record as well as the link to the specific
page to facilitate better analysis (including others on the same page).  I
hope to have the missing 4 up there by this evening. Much thanks to Edna
Epps for finding these records that would have probably taken me 10x the
time to find.  Here is the family group that I'm referring to:


Manuel da Silva, born 9 Oct 1806, Santa Cruz
Louisa Candida, born 23 Jan 1799, Santa Cruz
MARRIAGE: 9 Sept 1827, Santa Cruz


Maria da Silva, born 21 June 1828, Santa Cruz
Francisco da Silva, born 24 Aug 1831, Guadalupe
Manuel da Silva, born 10 Oct 1837, Guadalupe
Rita da Silva, born 20 Feb 1841, Guadalupe
Joao da Silva, born 6 Dec 1845, Guadalupe --> migrated to Yreka CA

Joao da Silva is my great-grandfather.   Don Vasconcelos, if you are
agreeable I might like to look up your relative there, particularly if you
think she might be able to have some information that might help.  Do you
know if she speaks any English?  As I gain more information going through
these records including, hopefully, tie-ins to others who have Silva/da
Silva's in Graciosa I will post them to the list.

Again, thanks All for the great comments and suggestions!

Amateur Genetic Genealogist in Mesa, AZ
Twitter: @FamilyTreeAZ
Interests: DNA, Azores, San Francisco, early colonial America
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