Hi Lee,

As best as I can transcribe it, the records says:

Em os vinte e quatro dias do mez de Agosto de mil seis centos noventa e 
oyto faleceo da vida prezente ManoeL Pays veuvo de D. Francisca do
Caminho do Sul freguez desta Igreja de idade de 70 annos [parece?] mais
ou menos Com todos os Sacramen.[tos?] foi sepultado nesta Igreja. F[es?] tes
tamento e tinha testado Com Sua mulher em q[ue] deixou q[ue] Seu Corpo
Seria enterrado nesta Igreja e Seria aCompanhado Com a bandei
 ra e irmaos da St.a Caza da mizericordia e Com o Collegio desta Igr[e]
ja, e Com Collegio do Apostlho S. Matheus da villa da Praya, e
Com os Relgiosos de S. Francisco e Com [dezouto???] pobres, e que se
[diriao?] por sua alma vinte mi[??? .... ..................?]
[d..... ......??] no dia de Seo enterro, ???? no Cabo de oyto dias
em... quais a ....... o Collegio do Apostelho S. Mateus e os .....
Religiosos, e os dezouto pobres, e .............................
dez alqueires de tr.o por sua alma a [Certes??] pobrez

And, as best as I can translate it, it states that:

On the 24th day of August of 1698 Manoel Pays passed from the present life 
having received all the sacraments at the age of approximately 70, widower 
of D. Francisca [resident] of the Caminho do Sul, parishioner of this 
church.  His will, given to his wife, was that he be burried in this church 
and that he be accompanied [to the grave] with the banner and the members 
of the brotherhood of the Apostle S. Matheus of the town of Praia, and by 
the "Religiosos" of S. Francisco and by [18??] poor folk [alms 
recipients??], and for [the repose of his] his soul [an amount of money, I 
believe].   [Here I lose the script, but I think it goes on to state how on 
the day of his burial the conditions of his will were met.  The last line 
might say that he left some land-- possibly to the poor?-- best to get a 
native speaker to look at the record if you want to know for sure. 

hope that helps,



On Sunday, March 5, 2017 at 3:57:40 PM UTC-8, Lee wrote:
> Left side, middle -
> Manoel Pays, 70 years of age, widower of Dona Francisca, died on August 
> 24, 1698.
> I need help with the portion from about midway through the record to the 
> end.
> I can see mention of S. Matheus of Praia.  
> Is this document saying that he services were held in Praia?  Or am 
> misunderstanding (which, more than likely; I am).
> ANY information, etc. greatly appreciated.
> I'm trying to get back tin the swing of things after surgery and beginning 
> dialysis in November.
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/GRA-SC-LUZ-O-1696-1769/GRA-SC-LUZ-O-1696-1769_item1/P6.html
> Thank you in advance.
> Lee Estep
> Oak Hill WV

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