I just called the Queens Library Archive division ... the log book for the 
Noble was from 1853 to 1855.

Wrong voyage.



On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 10:46:20 AM UTC-7, Louie Avila wrote:
> Also ... the log books are on microfilm.
> Louie
> On Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 10:44:36 AM UTC-7, Louie Avila wrote:
>> I am helping someone trace their ancestry from Faial to Aukland, New 
>> Zealand.
>> By some family records "Antonio da Vargas (Martin) boarded a whaling 
>> vessel (Barque Noble - American, Suffolk, NY) in 1841.
>> *We would like a copy of the log book contents* ... but we are located 
>> in California (and New Zealand).
>> Log book dates from July 1941 until its return to New York in 1843.
>> *Is there anyone near the library who would like to help us out?*
>> The captains log book may be in the Queens Borough Public Library as 
>> indicated here:
>> http://www.queenslibrary.org/item/ships-and-whaling-voyages-collection
>> Details:
>> In 1841, the ship/bark/barque sailed from New York to Faial then around 
>> the horn to the south Pacific ocean to return to New York in 1843.
>> Antonio and his cousin/friend Emanuel rowed out to the vessel and boarded 
>> for work either by invitation or as a stowaway.
>> This is one thing we are trying to determine.
>> It is assumed that Antonio was still aboard and working as a barrel maker 
>> on the ship in 1846 when it was damaged in a gale in the New Zealand area.
>> The log book might contain details of crew members, their cut of the 
>> money, etc., etc.
>> Thank in advance for the consideration!
>> Louie

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