As you are aware I’m having problem locating the parents’ (Antonio Coelho de 
Ornelas and Beatriz do Rosario) marriage. Do you think this could be it? Right 
hand side of the page
It for Antonio Coelho and Beatriz dos Santos. I went back to the child’s 
marriage and I do not see “de Ornelas”.  
Hey the link are coming through now. 😊 If this is not it I guess I will start 
search from 10 years before her wedding and work backward.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Margaret Vicente
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help reading the marriage record from 
Altaresfor Antonio Vieira Jaques and Rosa Josfa

Antonio Coelho de Ornellas ( Ornelas) and Beatriz do Rosario.

Please note Antonio is short form and smudged, it should be verified against 
bride's birth record,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:11 AM, doreencaetano <> wrote:
 I am having trouble reading the bride's parent's names. I have A Coelho 
deceased and Beatriz ? da Rosa. This record is on the left side of the page
 Also I do not know why when I copy and paste the link into the email that it 
is not noting it as a link to a web site. I've tried putting spaces before and 
after...I've tried placing a return to next line/enter afterwards...nothing 
seems to work.

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