Hi Sam,

This is what I see, with highlighting where my interpretation differs from 

Bernardo filho de Ignacio Joze de Bairos
e de Sua mulher Francisca Roza napturais
desta Parochial, e moradores nas Feiteiras ter-
mo dela, nepto paterno da Capitam Joze
Manoel de Bairos natural da Matrix de
NoSa Senhora de ASumpcam desta Ilha e de
Sua mulher Roza Maria de Santa Barbara
moradores no norte e natural desta Parochial, e
pelo parte marterna nepto de Manoel de Jesus
e de Sua primeira mulher EsperanSa do ----ci-
mento moradores na Ribeira de Amaro e naturais
desta Sobredita Freguezia, nasceo emos des---
as do mes de Fevereiro deste anno de mil Sete Centos
digo deste anno de mil e outo cento(s?) e hum, Foi Ba
tizado nesa Parochial de Seos pais em quinze
do dito mis e anno por mim Joze Ant. do Rego
Cura da dita ParoChial, Foi Padrinho Bernar-
do Joze de Bairos Filho Familias de Capitam Jo-
ze Manoel de Bairos e madrinha Roza JaCinta
Filha de Joze IgnaCio Puim e de Sua mulher
Roza Maria, testemunhos Fran.co de moura
Joze IgnaCio Puim cazados e moradores nas
Feteiras qu------- aSignaram------------------

Perhaps "Filho Familias" is better translated as "dependent youth" than 
"son of".

hope that helps,



On Saturday, July 22, 2017 at 5:32:14 PM UTC-7, Sam (Camas, WA) wrote:
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMA-VP-SANTABARBARA-B-1784-1801/SMA-VP-SANTABARBARA-B-1784-1801_item1/P110.html
> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fculturacores.azores.gov.pt%2Fbiblioteca_digital%2FSMA-VP-SANTABARBARA-B-1784-1801%2FSMA-VP-SANTABARBARA-B-1784-1801_item1%2FP110.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFMJ6q1AlQrItBQrjk6OENtma9WVA>
> Right hand page.   Does anyone have the time to look over my translation 
> to tell me if I have the gist of it correct and perhaps fill in my question 
> marks.
> Bernardo son of Ignacio Joze de Barrios and of his woman/wife Francisca 
> Roza, natives of this parochial and residents of Feterias ?? , paternal 
> grandson of Captain Jose Manoel de Barios, native of the matriz of Our Lady 
> of Asumpion of this village and of his woman/wife, Roza Maria de Santos da 
> Sousa, residents ??? natives of this parochial and by the maternal part, 
> grandson of Manoel de Jesus and of this first woman/wife, Esperanza do ?? 
> (Sacramento?) *can't make out the next line or so*; born 10th day of this 
> month of February of this year of 1700, I mean to say, this year of 1801, 
> baptized in this parochial of ?? the 15th of the same month and year by me, 
> Joze Antonio do Rego ??? parochial. For godfather, Bernardo Joze de Bairos, 
> son of the family of Captain Joze Manoel de Bairos and godmother, Roza 
> Jacinta, daughter of Joze Ignacio Puim and of his woman/wife, Roza Maria, 
> witnesses were Francisco de Moura and Joze Ignacio Puim, married, residents 
> of Feterias, who with me signed day, month and year above.
> Cura Joze Antonio de Rego
> ????
> Francisco de Moura (with mark)
> Joze Ignacio de Puim (with mark)
> As always your help is truly appreciated,
> Sam (Camas, WA)
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