JR and Margaret,
Thanks so much for the help!  I have gotten better an translating but this 
one was a challenge.

I can see where I got confused on the godparents.  Abbreviated 


On Friday, August 11, 2017 at 3:10:35 PM UTC-7, IslandRoutes wrote:
> I finally found my ancestor, Antonio Moniz's baptismal record, in 1753, 
> Maia.  Unfortunately, it's so faded that it's hard to make out.
> Would someone give it a once over to see if I've got it right?  I'd 
> appreciate it.  It's image 0040, the one in the upper left hand corner.
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-RG-MAIA-B-1751-1762/SMG-RG-MAIA-B-1751-1762_item1/P40.html
> This is what I came up with::
> Antonio, son of Joze Muniz and Maria Benevides of Maia
> born 23 Feb 1753; baptized 26 Feb 1753
> The godparents are really sketchy:  Andre(?) da Costa son of _________ 
> Costa Souza and Margarida da Souza, daughter of Manoel Moniz
> Thanks for the help!
> Mel

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