Just wondering if there might be someone on here that might be able to 
help. My grandmother hasn't seen her brother since the 1970's. At the time 
when my grandparents immigrated to Canada in the 70's they first went to 
stay with him in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. When they got there 
the situation was worse then stated in letters. So after a while they moved 
to London, Ontario (where we have lived since). My grandmother never saw 
her brother after that. She is very sick and only has a few months of life 
left and she has tasked me with finding out is he is alive and if  she has 
family still up there. We haven't been able to locate anyone. My 
grandmothers brothers name is or was Ezekial Raposo. His parents were 
Antonio Raposo and Maria de Conceicao Carreiro. They came from Porto 
Formoso, S.Miguel, Acores. My grandmothers name is Josefina Carreiro Raposo 
Cabral. If anyone knows this family and can help lead me in the right 
direction that would be great. Thanks in advanced for any help!

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