Wow, Cheri! Thank you for sharing - this is great. I have quite a number of
ancestors who married relatives. This will be good for me to research if I
every get to retire!


On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Cheri Mello <> wrote:

> For those interested in the dispensations:
> A dispensation is what a couple needed to obtain when they were going to
> marry a relative. The dispensation should contain interviews with the
> couple and how they are related (will state the lineage).
> Because the Diocese for the Azores is in Angra, the dispensations are
> housed in the Angra archive.
> The dispensations are very hit and miss. I'd say more on the "miss" side.
> They have only what they have. Many dispensations no longer exist.
> The first photo (80244) shows the request I made to see some
> dispensations. They call them "Dispensations of Matrimony" so that is what
> I called them. I am in their country, so I write in Portuguese. I include
> the island and the years I want. Not all years exist.
> The next photo (92811) shows how the dispensations come. They are bound up
> in packets, tied with a cotton ribbon. You can see a couple of other
> packets to the side.
> Photo 920845 shows what it looks like when you open the packet. There's a
> stack of dispensations. They are chronological. You have to look through
> them.
> Photo 92945 shows a later dispensation. It names the bride and groom and
> to the right, states the degree. The left states the church. The older ones
> are not as nice as this. Some are a few pages and some are many pages. They
> all varied.
> Photo 94345 shows 50 years of dispensations on Pico. The third most
> populated island. That's not the much considering how intermarried the
> Azoreans are.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada
> --
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