I am responding to the My Heritage thread since the deadline is now Dec.

Gordon S,
Amazon DNA? Did you mean AncestryDNA? Ancestry DNA tests about half the
markers of FTDNA and My Heritage (FTDNA and My Heritage uses the same chip
of about 700,000 markers). So your match results for FTDNA and MyHeritage
would be similar (based on the company database). If you want more matches,
especially distant (3rd, 4th, 5th cousins), you need to test on FTDNA's
chip or My Heritage's chip (both are the same). Both are on sale now.

FTM (Family Tree Maker) and Legacy Family Tree are genealogy computer
programs. That's a different topic for a different thread.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 9:29 AM Cheri Mello <gfsche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and Island Routes lists)
> Thanks to Ally Chacon for sharing. Information taken from My Heritage's
> blog below:
> =======================
> Free DNA Uploads — Deadline Extended!
>    - By Esther ·
>    - December 1, 2018
>    -  · DNA <https://blog.myheritage.com/category/dna/>
> Ever since MyHeritage began offering DNA services, we have provided our
> users the ability to upload their DNA data for free . These users then
> received DNA Matches and ethnicity estimates on MyHeritage for free, a
> unique benefit not offered by any of the other major companies.
> We have just extended our deadline for free DNA uploads to December 16,
> 2018. As of this date, our policy regarding DNA uploads will change. DNA
> Matching will remain free for uploaded DNA data, but unlocking additional
> DNA features will require an extra payment for DNA results uploaded after
> this date.
> Upload your DNA data for free
> <https://www.myheritage.com/dna/upload?utm_source=organic_blog&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=dna_upload&tr_funnel=dna_upload&tr_country=US&tr_creative=campaignname1&utm_content=campaignname1>
> All DNA data that was uploaded to MyHeritage in the past, and all DNA data
> that is uploaded now and prior to December 16, 2018, will continue to enjoy
> full access to all DNA features for free. These uploads will be
> grandfathered in and will remain free.
> Viewing family trees of your DNA Matches or accessing the 9 billion
> historical records that are found on MyHeritage is optional and requires a
> paid subscription plan. Some advanced features in the DNA Match review will
> also require a subscription, such as viewing matches and ethnicities that
> you share with your DNA Matches.
> You can upload DNA data from Ancestry, Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder
> test, 23andMe (any versions including v5) or Living DNA. Instructions for
> exporting your data and uploading it to MyHeritage are provided on our
> upload page.
> Don’t delay uploading your DNA data to MyHeritage now
> <https://www.myheritage.com/dna/upload?utm_source=organic_blog&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=dna_upload&tr_funnel=dna_upload&tr_country=US&tr_creative=campaignname1&utm_content=campaignname1>,
> while all DNA features are free (and they will remain free for you).
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: São Miguel island: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente,
> Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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