(Cross posted to Azores, Madeira, and Island Routes lists)

A project member had a question about mutations or differences and genetic
distance on Y and mtDNA. Basically the question had to do with how Y-DNA
mutates versus mtDNA.

Here's my analogy (complete with a Sao Miguel slant): You have a green
banana and a green pineapple. In a couple of days, your banana is turning
yellow. Give it a couple of more days, and it will start to freckle. That
pineapple though? It's still green. It needs more like a couple of weeks
for it to start to ripen.

Y-DNA is the banana ripening. It ripens relatively quickly compared to the
pineapple. Y-DNA has mutations that happen on a more frequent basis. Some
might happen only in a couple of hundred of years.

MtDNA is the pineapple ripening. It takes a looong time for it to ripen.
The mtDNA mutations happen much, much less frequently. They mutate more on
a period of every couple of THOUSANDS of years. So to have a perfect match
on mtDNA and not find the common ancestor would not be unusual. It mutates
sooooo slowly. It makes it more difficult to find matches. People want
instant gratification so they don't test mtDNA. Therefore, the mtDNA
portion of  most of the Azores and Madeira DNA Projects is more in a census
or survey mode. There's been a few mtDNA matches, but they have been on
smaller Azorean islands. We are still working on building this up. As more
and more people test, we will be able to figure out about half of our mtDNA
matches - due to their nature of mutating so slowly. The other half may be
so far back (thousands of years) that we may not be able to find it with
the paper trail.

Hope this analogy helps! Cheri Mello, Family Tree DNA Admin (volunteer)

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