Repost for Dixie Schafir,  dschafir at (which is the registered
email to this list - the alternative that she provides does not type out
the "at" so it is obscured by the Google Group List-serv).

I tried to change my Email address as I have a new one: it is

My grandmother’s family name is Coelho:  They came from Flores. They owned
Sulphur Springs in Hayward, CA. The women  used to do their laundry in the
creek, and hang their clothes on the bushes to dry.
They came around Cape Horn by sail, via Hawaii.
I still have Portuguese relatives on Oahu. That is why so many of our
people had Elephant Ears growing in their yards - they are poi plants.  I
guess they came to CA that way because of the winds.
Some of my relatives on Oahu owned Dutch Boy Paint for years, maybe still

When they came to CA the debarked at Alviso landing and walked to what
became Hayward.

My Grandfather’s family name is Martin and came from Pico around  Cape
Horn. They landed in Yerba Buena, which became San Francisco. They found SF
so lawless they migrated across the Bay to ranch. Their ranch is now part
of Turtle Rock Ranch State Park over by Mt Diablo. They moved on when their
house was destroyed in a earthquake.
My grandfather Anthony Martin was Hayward’s blacksmith and wheelwright for
years. His place of business was on A Street. His house was across the
Street from All Saints. He was a extraordinarily strong, and like most
Victorians skilled at many tasks. He put the copper dome on the Old Hayward
Library (now demolished) He also took his blacksmith rig out to Crow Canyon
when they were grading the road through there and changed out the Mule’s
shoes. When pulling the graders the mules  would go through 2 pair of shoes
a day. I once saw him change horseshoes on a horse when he was in his 70’s.
He was unbelievably fast!
Grandfather Martin was such a staunch supporter of the Church the Pope sent
him a Certificate praising him and offering perpetual blessings. He once
went back to Spain to fetch a new priest for the congregation. There was
some sort of Civil War raging and hechad to roe in from the ship to get the
priest. They had a rough time of it to keep from drowning.
He and the priest would go down to Santa Cruz and fish all day with Mr
Stagnaro while the family would camp on the beach in front of what is now
Penny Arcade. Grants would stand on the gunwhales, cigar clamped in his
teeth, and fish all morning that way.

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