Hello all,
My search has taken to the do Rego Baldaia family. I have yet to find a 
reliable source of information, is anybody able to point me in the right 

As an aside, when I started all of this, I was hoping to find my father's 
family, instead I am finding the most interesting information for my 
Azorean side. Being so new at research I stumble, fall, start over, it's 
all good.

I have sent my DNA to more labs than I care to admit and spent more money 
than my husband will ever know! Recently I sent my DNA to EthnoGene for a 
Genetic Heritage Assessment. This comes in the form of a book (you pay 
$29US). I wasn't expecting much and I know that this type of testing is 
till new and not very reliable, but it was just for fun. I received my book 
about a week before I made the connection with the do Rego Baldaias. Last 
night as I was doing some research, I was a bit surprised. The Baldaias, 
from what I have found, come from Asturias and Porto. My results below:

[image: Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 9.57.54 AM.png]

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