Hello Janet and others,

Is it possible that your Jerome Sebastian Pimentel was originally named 
Jacinto Pimentel?  I found a Jacinto baptized in Fajazinha on, I believe, 
November 1 1855.  Here is the link and what I understand it to read.  
Please chime in if you see it saying something else.   If this is him, 
knowing how he got the Sebastian middle name would be interesting to find 
out, but at least now we would have his parent's names.


Jacinto, son of Anthony Joze Pimentel and Anna de Jesus.  
Born on the (?) of October and baptized on the first day of November.
Paternal grandparents are Antonio Joze Pimentel and Anna de Conceicao
Maternal grandparents Manuel de Freitas and Anna de Freitas

On Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 4:57:12 PM UTC-7, Janet Carminati wrote:
> Thanks to all that replied - very helpful as I learn more about how to do 
> effective research!
> Bill - Thank you very much  for the help with the translations - really 
> appreciate it!
> Mary - I do have lots of records for Jerome Sebastian Pimental as this was 
> my great great grandfather.  His details are:
> Birth Nov 1 1855 (Flores, but not sure what village) / death June 19 1929
> Marriage to Aug 9 1877 to Conceicao Marie Costa - married in Napa CA, 
> lived in Green Valley and Wild Horse Valley in Napa/Solano counties, 
> eventually moved to Oakland
> Potential siblings to Jerome are:
> Frank J Pimental (1836 - ?) Married Maria E Costa (1850 - 1905)
> Sylvester Pimental (1841 - 1903) Married to two different Maries (last 
> name unknown) and later in life to Marie de Gloria Lorenzeo (birth/death 
> unknown) - usually his name is spelled Pimentel.  Sylvester and Maria were 
> witnesses for marriage of Jerome and Conceicao
> Manuel Sebastian Pimental (1850 - 1912)
> Vincent Sebastian Pimental (1858 - May 6, 1918) - oral family history that 
> Vincent was Jerome's brother
> Marianna Pimental (~1868 - 1950) married to Manual Levy and then to Antone 
> Costa (1855 - 1928)
> Let me know if we have any overlap in the Pimental family.
> thank you all for the helpful information,
> Janet
> On Monday, June 3, 2019 at 4:59:24 AM UTC-4, William Seidler wrote:
>> Below is my take on the parent and grandparent names for Ermalinda, José, 
>> and two named João.  I see no indication that they are related to each 
>> other or the family you seek.  The link you provided to a record for 
>> "Conceição" has no Conceição that I can see on that page.  The closest I 
>> see is an exposto (male foundling) named Cornelio.
>> Hermalinda (sp?) Born 18 Jul 1867 and baptized on 21 July 1867
>> Father: Francisco Jose de Machado, natural of Santo Antonio, Magdalena, 
>> Island of Pico
>> Mother: Maria de Jesus, natural of this parish. Parents married in this 
>> parish where they live.
>> Paternal grandparents: Manuel Gonçalves Ferreira and Maria? Eulalia?
>> Maternal grandparents: João José da Costa and Maria de Jesus
>> José: Born 20 Nov 1869 and baptized on 25 Nov 1869
>> Father: José Francisco Abreu 
>> Mother: Rita Thomasia; both parents natural of this parish where they 
>> live and were married.
>> Paternal grandparents: Francisco Antonio Abreu and Maria de Jesus
>> Maternal grandparents: José Noresio? de Simas and Maria Thomasia
>> 1st João: Born 21 Oct 1871 and baptized on 25 Oct 1871
>> Father: José Caetano Simião
>> Mother: Anna de Jesus Carvalho; both parents natural of this parish
>> Paternal Grandparents: Manuel Caetano Simião and Anna Emilia
>> Maternal Grandparents: João Furtado Carvalho and Ignacia de Jesus
>> 2nd João: Born 15 Nov 1871 and baptized on 19 Nov 1871.
>> Father: Antonio Caetano Noia
>> Mother: Rosa de Jesus; both parents natural of this parish
>> Paternal grandparents: José Caetano Noia e Maria de Jesus
>> Maternal grandparents: José Coelho Salvador and Margarida de Jesus
>> I hope you find some help in this.  Hopefully following Cheri's advice 
>> you can find a more definitive record connection.
>> Bill Seidler
>> On Sunday, June 2, 2019 at 11:23:40 AM UTC-7, Janet Carminati wrote:
>>> Hello Cheri, 
>>> Thanks for the advice on how to work backwards. I don’t have any 
>>> information on their marriages (except those that married in CA) so might 
>>> be at a dead end but will keep at it!  Could you please let me know what 
>>> the parent and grandparents names are in the 3 records as I can’t make them 
>>> out?   
>>> Thanks again, 
>>> Janet

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