If I could have help I would appreciate it.  Just when I feel I am getting 
better the records get harder to read as they get older.  This one though 
is written clear and I think I can make out most of it, but am not 
confident in the names and what the relation is to the child (get confused 
with the priest and his parents being mentioned) so any help would be 
appreciated.  This is my husbands great grandparents and the names are 
similar so I don't trust myself.  I have another to post separate.  Thanks 
for any and all help.


This first record I believe says:

Child:  Maria Carreiro 

Born: 11/1/1900

Parents:  Joao Carreiro de Medeiros and Maria Julia de Mello farmers

Maternal Grandparents:  Augustinho Carreiro de Medeiros and Theresa de Jesus

Paternal Grandparents:  Manuel de Mello Affonso and Bernarda Agusta de Mello

Godparents:  Jose Mello Cardosa and Maria Ricarda de Mello

The margin references Bernardo Sousa and Bernarda Correia, but besides the 
dates I cannot make out anything else.  So any input on that would be 

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