On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 08:23:59AM +0200, a.anse...@oltrelinux.com wrote:
> > is anyone using this on wrt54g ?
> > i just tried both and batmand_0.3-beta-rv674 gives a segmenation fault and
> > batmand_0.2-rv502 doesn't start (probably segfault as well).
> > can someone confirm/deny this?
> > has someone a link for a working (with batmand)
> > openwrt-g-freifunk-1.6.x-x.bin/trx ?
> >
> (maybe a dum reply) sure you have mipsel version of that revisions?

of course i have the right versions :)
if one reboots the box after the batman installation everything
is fine (i fell over that before... but didn't remember ;)



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