I just tried the last openwrt-kamikaze trunk with the svn v1109 of batman on
ubnt NS2. Batmand die as follows:

 r...@openwrt:~# batmand -d 4 -g 5000 ath2
WARNING: You are using the unstable batman branch. If you are interested in
*using* batman get the latest stable release !
Interface activated: ath2
Using interface ath2 with address and broadcast address
B.A.T.M.A.N. 0.3-beta (compatibility version 5)
[        80] Error - can't set IFFLAGS for gate0: Cannot assign requested
[        80] Error - can't set IFFLAGS for gate0: Cannot assign requested

dmesg output:

Atheros HAL provided by OpenWrt, DD-WRT and MakSat Technologies
wifi0: 11b rates: 1Mbps 2Mbps 5.5Mbps 11Mbps
wifi0: 11g rates: 1Mbps 2Mbps 5.5Mbps 11Mbps 6Mbps 9Mbps 12Mbps 18Mbps
24Mbps 36Mbps 48Mbps 54Mbps
wifi0: H/W encryption support: WEP AES AES_CCM TKIP
ath_ahb: wifi0: Atheros 2315 WiSoC: mem=0xb0000000, irq=3
gpio-buttons driver version 0.1.1
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:224] name gate0 index 7
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:244] disconnect daemon
batgat: [packet_recv_thread:508] thread stop
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:256] thread shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:263] gate shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:277] device unregistered successfully
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:224] name gate0 index 8
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:244] disconnect daemon
batgat: [packet_recv_thread:508] thread stop
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:256] thread shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:263] gate shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:277] device unregistered successfully
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:224] name gate0 index 9
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:244] disconnect daemon
batgat: [packet_recv_thread:508] thread stop
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:256] thread shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:263] gate shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:277] device unregistered successfully
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:224] name gate0 index 10
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:244] disconnect daemon
batgat: [packet_recv_thread:508] thread stop
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:256] thread shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:263] gate shutdown
batgat: [batgat_ioctl:277] device unregistered successfully
No iptables rules at all. All policy ACCEPT.

BATGAT dont crash anymore, Keep live.


2008/9/11 Marek Lindner <lindner_ma...@yahoo.de>

> On Thursday, 11. September 2008 05:00:59 Gustavo Lindberg wrote:
> > I am experimenting very frustrating issues with batgat. Currently i am
> > testing the last trunk of kamikaze on ubiquity NS2. Batmand dies quietly
> > with batgat loaded. I will prove the last kamikaze on two NS2 without
> > batgat and inform the bug  if this error happen again.
> I think it would be intersting to find out why batmand dies. May be you
> could
> produce a core dump ?
> Indeed, we have a problem if the batman daemon dies without telling the
> module. What about adding a keep alive + timeout in the module ?
> Greetings,
> Marek
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