Hi axel,

> Do you feel this problem has arised with a specific revision (has it been
> there with rv1069 and before) or has it always been there and your setup has
> changed?
The first time I saw this was on revistion 1105. But a similar problem was 
on revision 972 where I still could call "batmand -c -r 3" but not with "-d...".
I can not say if this is still the same problem.

My setup of compiling batmand was not changed.
The compile flags I used were:
LDFLAGS =       -lpthread

Today I changed to revision 1171 and use the following flags:
LDFLAGS =       -lpthread

I compile batmand within the whiterussian_rc6 openwrt environment.
I wanted to create a core file but it seems that the openwrt kernel does not 
support it.
(ulimit -c unlimited, and kill -6 xxx)

> Actually not. Unfortunately I'll be probably be offline during the next week
> and cant do much. There is a completely thread-free version waiting to be
> checked in, then we can see if this helps, But actually I would prefer to
> nail down the source of the problem...
When do you expect a thread-free version of the batman-experimental branch?
I also like to solve such problems instead of using new code in hope that the 
is gone.

Bye Stephan
Dipl.Informatiker(FH) Stephan Enderlein
Freifunk Dresden

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