

I have installed kamikaze, xwrt, webif, batman webif - all ok.


I'm having difficulty in understanding how I 'link' batman to the wireless 
interface. I have removed all the virtual lan stuff as I think this is the 
first step.


If I ssh in and ifconfig I can see eth0.0 (lan ports) eth0.1 (seems to be the 
internet wan port) and also wl0 with the config I set for it via the webif.


If I go to the webif/mesh tab all I can select as interfaces are the listed are 
the eth0.0 and eth0.1 no mention of the wireless interface ?


Second point the Mesh tab indicates that no batmand is running, presumably it 
will auto start (from this page) when I  have the interface set properly.


Sorry for the basic questions, I have read the basic howto's but am not really 
sure how the command line relates to the batman webif.


Thanks very much



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