On Friday 10 June 2016 13:11:00 Andreas Pape wrote:
> Speeding up dat address lookup is achieved by snooping all incoming ip
> traffic. This especially increases the propability in bla setups that
> a gateway into a common backbone network already has a fitting dat entry
> to answer incoming ARP requests directly coming from the backbone
> network thus further reducing ARP traffic in the mesh.
> Signed-off-by: Andreas Pape <ap...@phoenixcontact.com>
> ---

Marking this as rejected in patchwork due to the conceptual problems pointed 
out by Matthias + Linus [1].

@Marek, I hope this helps to reduce the number of patches you have to go 
through in patchwork. But please feel free to change it back when you think 
differently about it.

Kind regards,

[1] https://lists.open-mesh.org/pipermail/b.a.t.m.a.n/2016-June/015738.html

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