Markus Stenberg <> writes:

> Here's some raw numbers (clickbait):
> - my Macbook (sanity check)
> - Turris Omnia (2016 highend)
> - Buffalo WZR-600DHP (2012 midend)
> TL;DR (probably the interesting part):
> 2012 midend home router does 40 bytes:
> - 37.5k pps of SHA256
> - bit over 40k pps of Blake2B
> - 91k pps of Blake2S

That's is awesome, thanks for doing this!

> Setup overhead disappears both in SHA256 and Blake2 at ~500 byte mark
> (500 and 1200 bytes roughly equal MB/s); with 200 byte packets setup
> still wastes ~1/4 of performance (both SHA256 and Blake2) and even
> more with 40 byte packets.
> With these numbers, I withdraw my support of including anything else
> than SHA256 as MTI. I think specifying Blake2B or 2S as well makes
> sense (mostly for crypto robustness reasons for having alternative
> that is specified) but making it MAY-SHOULD seems sensible to me.

I can probably live with that :)

> The code is there, go ahead to test on your own routers if you care. I
> didn't bother testing arm64 in the end, as those are even faster than
> arm (the ridiculous blake2s number of 460k pps for Blake2s on Turris
> Omnia convinced me that it is not really worth it to test on faster
> hardware).

Yeah, 460k pps ought to be enough for everyone ;)


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