> > Since that revision has Boolean (true/false) parameters of
> > babel-key-use-sign and babel-key-use-verify (but not key-use with
> > values of sign/verify/both), I did want to be sure we were talking
> > about the right model revision.
> The second part of my inquiry -- how does the information model enable
> incremental deployment?  Section 5 of draft-ietf-babel-mac.

Incremental deployment is enabled through the interfaces object 
babel-mac-verify parameter. Set this parameter to false until all routers have 
key(s). Then set to true.

> Toke, it would be helpful if we could understand what key-use is intended
> for.  My personal opinion right now is that we should:
>   - remove key-use from the draft;
>   - add a per-interface configuration "allow-unauthentified", which, if set,
>     causes all packets received on that interface to be accepted, whether
>     signed, unsigned, or incorrectly signed.
> Incremental deployment is an important feature, and I think that we need to
> make really sure that the information model allows it.

The key-use-sign and key-use-verify are only peripherally involved in 
incremental deployment and key rotation -- you need to have at least one key 
with key-use-verify=true and key-use-sign=true. The common case when 
incrementally deploying will be to provide a single key with valid and sign = 
true and all interfaces' babel-mac-verify = false. Once all routers have the 
key, set babel-mac-verify to true in all routers. When rotating, the common 
case will be to provide an additional key with valid and sign = true. Once the 
new key is in all routers, delete old one.

I don't think an additional per-interface parameter is needed. I think 
babel-mac-verify should be fine. If the group wants to remove the key-use 
parameters and only support symmetrical keying, I have no objection. We could 
also make those parameters optional-to-implement (square brackets), with the 
expectation that an implementation wouldn't implement them if it only supports 
symmetric keying.

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