On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 6:27 AM Callahan, David (US)
<david.calla...@baesystems.com> wrote:
> https://github.com/babel/babel/releases/tag/v7.8.4
> I see on github that the latest stable release of babel is 7.8.4.
> Are there competing versions of babeld on gitub, for example, you say 1.8.5 
> or 1.9.1
> Yet, gitub above is saying 7.8.4.

The definitive repo is here:


> Thanks
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Juliusz Chroboczek <j...@irif.fr>
> Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 4:57 PM
> To: Callahan, David (US) <david.calla...@baesystems.com>
> Cc: Babel-users@alioth-lists.debian.net
> Subject: Re: [Babel-users] Error when running babeld
> *** WARNING ***
> EXTERNAL EMAIL -- This message originates from outside our organization.
> > nemo@xavier-pavlov1:~$ babeld -V
> > babeld-1.7.0
> That's a very old version of babeld (it's over four years old).
> I strongly recommend that you upgrade to either 1.8.5 or 1.9.1.
> > Interface eth0 has no link-local address.
> The interface should get a link-local address automatically as soon as the 
> link is up (a cable is plugged in).  Please plug the cable in before running 
> babeld.
> (Babeld should recover if the link indication appears after it is started, 
> but I'm not sure how well that works in the old version you're using.)
> > I don't want IPV6 on the system.
> If there's no IPv6 address on the system, Babel still uses IPv6 for 
> link-local communication.  This should be of no import to you -- the fact 
> that IPv6 is used internally has no bearing on whether it routes IPv4, IPv6 
> or both.
> -- Juliusz
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Make Music, Not War

Dave Täht
CTO, TekLibre, LLC
Tel: 1-831-435-0729

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