The channel model used by babel got clobbered by the increases in
channel width, and the underlying behavior of subsequent wifi
where stuff used a base channel and was supposed to sense the usage of
the other channels (but rarely did it right).

I don't know how to do it right. I find it mind boggling that most
devices are shipping today with 160Mhz channels when the real problem
was bandwidth at range, and users choosing smaller channel widths
would get them that more power and range, and co-ordinating on which
channels to use. One AP per room seems to be the trend. In the last
modern wifi-infested apartment building I was in the household AP had
an effective range of 8 feet and one wall, and 23 devices within range
all on the same base channel.

WiFi 7 is even weirder, with things like DU (and adhoc mode remains
really hard to get. I keep hoping something else will appear that can
scale). 6ghz will not remain a clean zone for very long if trends like
this continue.

I agree with ripping the concept out of babel. It seemed like such a
good idea at the time....

On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 9:28 AM Gio <> wrote:
> On Wednesday 4 May 2022 15:04:34 CEST Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> > After 1.12 is out, I plan to remove the diversity routing code, which has
> > not been shown to be useful in practice.  If you find diversity routing
> > useful in your setup, please speak up.
> If I remember well this is the feature to take in account if multiple
> interfaces in a router are interfering or not, as of today librerouter have
> multiple radios but we never got to the point to generate babel configuration
> that inform the routing daemon about the interfaces being interfering or not,
> it should be not that hard (just check WiFi channels used by the interfaces
> are far enough) but we never got there, probably because we never identified
> that as a bottleneck in our community networks.
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Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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