Hi Toke,

I've spent some time today trying to debug the weird behaviour with your
ooo-pc bird patch. I found the bird code ignores unicast hellos entirely
which I wasn't expecting :)


    /* We currently don't support unicast Hello */
    u16 flags = get_u16(&tlv->flags);
    if (flags & BABEL_HF_UNICAST)
      return PARSE_IGNORE;

Nothing bad seems to happen if I just comment this out :) Do you have have
any pointers as to what needs to be implemented in bird to properly support
unicast hellos?

While this is not fatal for the reordering fix per-se your RTT patch also
breaks because of this AFAICT. Since the IHU tstamps only ever arrive via
unicast. At least with my `unicast true` babeld config.


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