Hello everyone,

This is my first post to this list. And I would be glad to receive some input on a problem that on first glance looks similar to http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/babel-users I am hoping to use babel to distribute routes in my network and to have it fill a routingtable (table 10) on a gateway server. bird is handling the ipv6 connectivity on this server and placing all relevant routes for that into routing table 12. Unfortunately babel seems to ignore those routes.

I am currently working on a project bringing a layer 3 network with roaming capability to a wireless mesh network called Freifunk. Once it is implemented the network will consist of a 3digit number of nodes running babel on openwrt. Babel will distribute and optimize the routes, roaming will be handled by a seperate demon which places routes into routing table 11.

I am in an early stage of integrating the components so I figured I could get away with using a git snapshot from babeld for now because * the ability to change babelds configuration during runtime, especially adding and removing interfaces * I am aware that babel 1.8 is not stable yet. As Babel 1.8 will be incompatible to 1.7 I do not want to integrate the old version. By the time the roaming and monitoring is ready hopefully babel 1.8 will be stable so it can be used in such an environment.

I am using source based policy routing "ip ru add source .. lookup table 10" to implement routing in the network.

Root@gw01:~# ps aux |grep babel
Root       870  0.0  0.0   8560  1752 pts/0    S    22:36   0:00
/usr/local/bin/babeld -I -s /var/run/babeld.pid -G 33123 -c /tmp/babeld.conf
Root@gw01:~# cat /tmp/babeld.conf
Ipv6-subtrees true
Export-table 10
Import-table 11
Import-table 12

Interface mesh-vpn-1312
#redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fbab:2::/64 eq 128 allow
#redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fbab:1::/64 eq 128 allow
#redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fb00::/40 eq 128 allow
#redistribute local  deny
#redistribute ip ::/0 metric 256
Redistribute metric 256
Root@gw01:~# ip -6 r s t 12
2a06:8187:fb00:53::/64 via 2a06:8187:fbff:2::3 dev eth1  proto bird metric 1024
Unreachable 2a06:8187:fbab::/48 dev lo  proto bird  metric 1024  error -101
2a06:8187:fbff:3::/64 via 2a06:8187:fbff:2::1 dev eth1  proto bird metric 1024
2a06:8187:fb00::/40 via 2a06:8187:fbff:2::1 dev eth1  proto bird  metric 1024
Default via 2a06:8187:fbff:2::1 dev eth1  proto bird  metric 1024
Root@gw01:~# ip -6 r s t 11
Root@gw01:~# ip -6 r s t 10
2a06:8187:fbab:1:1aa6:f7ff:fef0:3f60 via fe80::5cc6:faff:fe81:fe77 dev 
mesh-vpn-1312  proto 42  metric 1024

I already did play with the proto field but then remembered to turn off all filtering which is also why the redistribute statements for specific prefixes are commented out.

So babel actually is placing a route in table 10 but not the default route that bird has placed in table 12. How would I achieve that?



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