
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 06:44:01PM +0100, Christof Schulze wrote:
> Hi Juliusz,
> This is the server-side configuration of babeld:
> Ipv6-subtrees true
> Export-table 10
> Import-table 11
> Import-table 12
> Interface mesh-vpn-1312
> Interface eth2
> Redistribute metric 256
> On the openwrt-VM I am running this config:
> ipv6-subtrees true
> Export-table 10
> Import-table 255
> Import-table 11
> Redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fbab:2::1/128 deny
> Redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fbab:2::/64 eq 128  allow
> Redistribute ip 2a06:8187:fbab:1::/64 eq 128  allow
> Redistribute local  deny
> Redistribute ip ::/0 eq 0  allow

Can you make sure that timestamps are enabled on both sides?  For babeld
1.8, you can just use:

  default type tunnel

he equivalent configuration for babeld 1.7 on your server would be:

  default enable-timestamps true
  default max-rtt-penalty 96

Then look if you still see the behaviour.

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