On 11/6/09 08:31, Nigel Leeming wrote:

I have just been looking around the welcombackstage site, and I am moving
my readers over from tv-antime to the /programmes format.

I am doing so, to read the entire BBC content and put it in my own triple
store as I am writing an rdf browser.

What I would really like, is to be able to download the entire set of data
in one big zip or backup so I can convert it as I please without having to
do the many GETs required against programmes.

Is that data available anywhere?

It's a lot of data, but if you read up on SPARQL (kind of a Webbified SQL-ish query language for RDF) you should be able to get what you want from the SPARQL servers ("endpoints") described in http://welcomebackstage.com/2009/06/bbc-backstage-sparql-endpoint/

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