

It now includes a configuration xml file where you can specify as many feeds as you wish to load. You can also include the delay time for items and feeds, application width, height, alwaysontop mode, to have window borders or not. There are also options for color settings, static information string

-- preferences.xml example --

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- IF 0 then the application will determine its on width and hegiht -->

   <!-- 0  then all items are used -->

   <!-- In milliseconds -->

   <background-color r="153" g="0" b="0"/>

<information> - Backstage RSS Ticker v0.3 by [EMAIL PROTECTED], supported by backstage.bbc.co.uk</information>





Paul Veltman wrote:

Hi James

Just downloaded your News ticker - ( XP, Firefox 1.0.5, Java(TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition binary, File version: / JRE 1.4.2_08)
(sorry, I'm a newbie)

Works beautifully. Can position it anywhere (but extends out beyond the right margin).

Nice work. Must have a look at the source code, and see how this magic works.


Paul Veltman

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