You call that fine?  I submitted mine kinda on the deadline (23:59 I think, may have been a minute or two earlier).

Sadly, it still has a few bugs, but works well in Firefox (and could be made to work fine in IE and Opera with some CSS changes).  And I need to change the Unix time to user readable time, but it isn't really a major problem.

Anyway, my prototype is at:

Basically just an online tv listings system that uses AJAX to give the data out.  Due to loads of other stuff happening (I officially start Uni tomorrow, although I arrived on Wednesday), I haven't had a chance to add everything I would like to, but I will probably do that sometime over the next few weeks (I actually want to use it, didn't just do it for the competition).

Your prototype looks nice.  I did something similar with news ( ), and it did work fairly well.  TV listings are harder though, as there is much less data that refers to the location.

Now, how many other entries are there to the competition ...


Thomas Scott wrote:
Whew. Talk about cutting it fine. 40 minutes until the competition deadline, but I've just managed to finish my first prototype!

Presenting the TVMap: mixing up the BBC's TV listings (and Bleb's feeds for other channels) with Google Maps, to produce a map that shows what locations will be on TV soon. Interested in all programs about Abu Dhabi? No problem, it'll email you about them. Want to know if there's anything about Canada on today? Sure, not a problem.

This first prototype version is showing a static display for October 3rd, but in the next day or so it'll get features like showing up to six days ahead, and email and RSS location-based alerts ("let me know when there's a program within 50 miles of Vienna").

It works by parsing out all proper names from the descriptions of programs and running them against a subset of world GNIS data -- it won't pick up every reference, and right now a couple of things have to be cleaned by hand (for example, Chucklevision doesn't take place *in* Barry...), but some quick filters should sort that out in the next couple of days.

Tomorrow (after I've dealt with little things like sleep!) the good stuff gets added!


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