Title: The Time When - new feeds!
Hi everyone,
Thanks to Matt Hurst among others for commenting on the lack of metadata in thetimewhen.co.uk's RSS feed [1]. We needed a push.
Well we've got it now! Several types of metadata were added to the feeds yesterday.
We have added user tags as <dc:subject> elements, location tags as <dcterms:spatial> elements, and the actual date of the entry as <dcterms:temporal>.
The format of the tags is a little strange to the unititiated -- particularly the <dcterms:temporal> one, which conforms to the latest version of the dcterms RSS 1.0 module spec ([2]) by saying
    <dcterms:temporal>start=1997-07-01; end=1997-07-01; scheme=W3C-DTF;</dcterms:temporal>
Sorry but you'll have to parse the date out of that. We're not totally wedded to that format, and there is much debate in the RSS 1.0 / RDF community as to which format is preferred. Even Tim himself weighed in to the discussion [3]! We'll let you know via Backstage if we change the format in the future.
dc:date will continue to represent the date that the entry was created, in keeping with every other use of RSS. The Dublin Core standard says that dcterms:temporal [4] is the right place to store the date that the content is *about*.
Enjoy! Now let's see some SIMILE Timeline [5] implementations :-)
Please let us know what other kinds of feeds you would like to see on thetimewhen.co.uk, it's still only a trial and not a lot of work is being done on it, but if you can convince us that you would build some beautiful things if only you had the right data, I might be able to get something onto the work slate...
Happy hacking,
[1] http://www.thetimewhen.co.uk/rss/
[2] http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/dcterms/#temporal
[3] http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2006-09-12.html#T17-04-01
[4] http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/#temporal
[5] http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kim Plowright
Sent: 11 August 2006 16:54
To: backstage@lists.bbc.co.uk
Subject: [backstage] The Time When - new feeds!


Enjoy. And don’t forget applications for the running backstage job shut on Monday!

Kim Plowright  |  Snr. Producer, New Product Development
BBC Interactive Drama and Entertainment | MC1D6, BBC Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London, W12 7TQ

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