Also for those following the DRM thread on the list. (I know its getting all a 
little overwhelming)

You may also be very interested in the OFCOM PSP document (OFCOM Review of 
Public Service Broadcasting) which outlines OFCOM's view of the changing 
digital landscape. Its still a recommendation and OFCOM are asking for feedback 
your participation in informing the next phase.

I had a good read of this document yesterday and was actually quite surprised 
and impressed. Here's a couple of parts I found interesting

"Traditional media are at the zenith of their powers when they are distributing 
information and providing entertainment. These are powerful human needs; but 
they are not sufficient for life in the 21st century as the force of 
globalisation flatten our world. We are not in the information age; that has 
passed. We're entering the networked, learning age. The architecture of 
participation we need is likely to be profoundly different from the one we have 
been used to in the industrial, mass-produced age of the 20th century."

"We now urgently need to turn our attention to the development of a thriving 
culture of participation and engagement. We need our media to play a central 
part in this evolution and to help provide public benefits which might not be 
provided by commercial markets."

"it's important that everything which the PSP does should be share-aware; 
meaning that the rights and other models which it takes should embrace the 
reality of a participative media environment and not struggle against it."

"The PSP should place public benefit at the heart of its mission by releasing 
content free of charge from where it can then be shared, modified or integrated 
into new services by others"

There was also an event last week in London about the IP and Rights which 
referred a lot to the PSP document (which was the first time I had heard about 
it). I filmed a couple of videos from the event [Presentation -] and [Discussion -]

And to end, I feel OFCOM would be very interested in your views on this 
document which could define the way the BBC and other public broadcasters 
operate in the near future.

Ian Forrester || || ||

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