
From http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/1826/125/ :

"Bruce Lehman, who now heads the International Intellectual Property
Institute ... explained the U.S. perspective in the early 1990s that
led to the DMCA (ie. greater control though TPMs) ... acknowledged
that "our Clinton administration policies didn't work out very well"
and "our attempts at copyright control have not been successful" ...
we are entering the "post-copyright" era for music, suggesting that a
new form of patronage will emerge with support coming from industries
that require music (webcasters, satellite radio) and government
funding ... teens have lost respect for copyright .. the blame [lies]
at the feet of the recording industry for their failure to adapt to
the online marketplace in the mid-1990s. [He was] urging Canada to
think outside the box on future copyright reform.  While emphasizing
the need to adhere to international copyright law (ie. Berne), he
suggested that Canada was well placed to experiment with new
approaches ... if the architect of the DMCA is willing to admit that
change is needed, then surely elected officials should take notice."

Phrases like "Think outside the box on future copyright reform",
"Entering the "post-copyright" era", and "was well placed to
experiment with new approaches" seem to me to apply to the BBC more
than Canada :-)

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