At 21:03 +0100 15/5/07, Christopher Woods wrote: is a classic example of a Web2 site which looks very nice but
unfortunately suffers from a REAL lack of usability. I actually used the
site to add a new entry to my podcast on there, and then ranted about how
hard it was to do so (and half of their in-page embedded players STILL don't
work for ANY podcast on there, it's just mad!)

Might do another rant too, and email them the link to listen to it...
Fortunately though odeo is among the minority (even odder considering the
same people are behind twitter, and that's such an easy site to use!) Sites
like Newsvine and Flickr really get my vote for being great Web2
standard-bearers, I don't use Flickr that much (I'd rather keep my pictures
on my own site, and I don't use it enough to bother with Pro status) but for
the most part I've not had any problem using Web2 sites. The whole nature of
them being dynamic and not having to wait for clicks to load entirely new
pages adds to the experience for me.

Nielsen loves going off on one. I've often thought he should practice what
he preaches and spruce up his site a little bit, it's always reeked of 1996.

My take is that FLICKR is a social software site with pcitures, whereas Webshots (for example) is about photo albums.


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