Fantastic news! The first lot of invites for Hack Day have gone out, if you've 
applied you should be hearing from us today or over the next week or so, just 
shy of 300 invites went out today and there's a couple more 100 to follow.

It's getting a bit exciting now with only four weeks to go, so if you want to 
come along I suggest you get your name down ASAP to make sure you're in the 
next round of invites - you can do that over at 

If you've already had your invite (or even just signed up) then let the world 
know with these very funky badges - - gotta love 
the colours!


Matthew Cashmore
Development Producer

BBC Future Media & Technology, Research and Innovation
BC4B5, Broadcast Centre, Media Village, W12 7TS

T:            020 8008 3959            (02  83959) 
M:            07711 913241            (072 83959)

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