Well by now most of you should have received your invite and your login
details for backnetwork


We¹ve had some issues with the invites getting stuck in spam filters so if
you¹ve not had yours then give me a shout.

Oh yes and we have some exciting news about the band... They¹re called The
Rumble Strips and they¹re pretty amazing ­ they¹re Œthe¹ new band this year
and are going straight to the top so it¹s well worth coming to see them...
Actually that brings me onto the next point.... We¹re giving everyone who¹s
coming to Hack Day 3 free gig tickets to give out.... So... If you¹re signed
up get onto backnetwork and sign up your friends for the gig and if you¹re
not coming to HD... Why the hell not!


Matthew Cashmore
Development Producer

BBC Future Media & Technology, Research and Innovation
BC4B5, Broadcast Centre, Media Village, W12 7TP

T:            020 8008 3959            (02  83959)
M:            07711 913241            (072 83959)

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