Symbolic irony? The woman in the site's stock art is sitting in the grass
and using (presumably) LiveStation... on an iBook. Hah.
... Or is this a hint towards Microsoft implementing some of that
much-vaunted platform agnosticism we all talk about but never seem to see
much of?


From: Simon Cobb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 July 2007 09:04
Subject: [backstage] Microsoft TV - Live!

Microsoft Research beta 'livestation' - in Silverlight, yet!
I tried to sign up for this but got the following reply:
"Thanks for your request to sign up for the LiveStation beta technical

We are currently running a public technical trial and this means that
we are growing the user base in a controlled manner to monitor how
growth affects a variety of LiveStation parameters.

Due to the popularity of the trial, we cannot guarantee your request
to participate will be successful at this stage. However, we will
endeavour to ensure you are on the next phase of the release, coming

Thanks again for your interest, we look forward to bringing live TV to
your computer very soon!

The LiveStation Team"
Found out about livestation from Found it in this news story:



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