I mean at the George Hotel on the Friday night... best networking event
ever... ever...

On 10/07/07, Brian Butterworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Will this include access to the late nights (drinks) at the TV Festival

 On 09/07/07, Ian Forrester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to fill you all in on a event we've been working on behind the
> scenes. And this time its not in London ;)
> Here's the official blurb...
> "This year the MGEITF has spawned its own fringe event, the Un-Festival.
> This day-long event which takes place on Saturday 25 August will centre
> around the clash of the well established TV world and the constantly
> accelerating Internet world using the unusual un-conference format, where
> the cost of entry is participation.
> The highlights from the Un-Festival will be presented at this special
> session, giving everyone a chance to speculate on the future of TV, online
> entertainment and cross platform narratives."
> Every year the international TV festival holds a few sessions on the
> future of online TV, etc. Every year it falls short of the mark. Well not
> this year because BBC Backstage is running the show.
> I'm getting together a real solid line up of people including people
> from Joost, Microsoft, BT, BBC, Google, etc. But I'm also inviting some of
> the people from the darker areas of online TV like the guys behind some of
> the cleverest p2p sites online today.
> Generally the mix should be quite amazing, but we're not done yet.
> Everyone who goes to the fringe un-festival will receive a free ticket into
> the main dinner on Saturday night and Free entry on Sunday all day.
> How's that for a deal?
> I'll be launching the sign up page for the event soon with lots more
> details but till then get your hotels booked. I hope to see you all there!
> Ian Forrester
> This e-mail is: [ ] private; [ x ] ask first; [  ] bloggable
> Senior Producer, BBC Backstage
> BC5 C3, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP
> p: +44 (0)2080083965
> -
> Sent via the backstage.bbc.co.uk discussion group.  To unsubscribe,
> please visit
> http://backstage.bbc.co.uk/archives/2005/01/mailing_list.html.  Unofficial
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Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

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