On 19/10/2007, Christopher Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Thinking about Sky's power over us, my housemate told me that if you want
> to get Freesat (or their £75 one-off offer which gives you six months of
> knowledge mixes and then after that, just freesat) then you're quite
> entitled to do so, no problems. But, if you want to get a Sky+ box, you HAVE
> to pay £10 a month for the timeshifting functionality regardless of whether
> you're on one of their packages or whether you're just a Freesat customer,
> and you then get tied into a 12 month contract just for the £10pm charge.
> Apparently it's a legal thing... But why? If they've dropped (read:
> absorbed, I suppose) the £10pcm cost for the timeshifting and outwardly
> don't charge anybody for it, why can't they offer it free (and charge more
> for the box)?

http://www.ukfree.tv/fullstory.php?storyid=1107051248 I wrote...

BSkyB subscribers will no longer have to pay to retain the personal video
recorder facilities from 1 July 2007.

If you have stopped subscribing and wish your Sky+ box to be restored to
full function you simply have to subscribe to the lowest level Sky package.

Alternatively, ex-subscribers will now be allowed to use the device with the
Freesat channels, but this will retain the £10 charge.

In effect you can now pay £15 per month for "2 mixes" and have Sky+ (was
£25) or pay £10 per month for just the Freesat channels.

> Just thought I'd ask seeming that there's more than a few people on here
> who have some decent Sky knowledge :)

Please email me back if you need any more help.

Brian Butterworth

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