Oooo, now that's an interesting one, I'll hav to give that a try (I get tons
of the crap and although I have on-server mail filtering I get them all
delivered to my PC anyway to avoid not receiving false positives). Also
evaluating various on-PC mail filters for my Mum (who's your typical
learn-by-rote PC user, so it has to be easy to use!)

Cheers for the point-out mate, I'll have to check that out this weekend! :)

(PS - anyone else going to SBES @ the NEC on the 14th or 15th?)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Sparks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 09 November 2007 12:30
> To:
> Subject: Re: Etiquette and TCP (was Re: [backstage] Use of 
> Tinyurl in Emails)
> On Friday 09 November 2007 01:34, Christopher Woods wrote:
> > Does anybody have a new mashup to show off?
> I wrote this in my spare time for use at home:
>     *
> - it's a greylisting SMTP proxy for eliminating spam.
> It uses Kamaelia which is something I developed at work. My 
> home email tends to have the ratio of <4% spam, 96% non-spam. 
> (before adding it my email was 96% spam, 4% spam)
> I've been running it for handling my email at home for the 
> past couple of months, and it's been pretty solid that entire 
> time filtering around 77,000 messages in that time. 
> Given 96% of those were spam, that means I've not had to do 
> anything with ~74000 messages. Assuming 1 second to 
> categorise each, that's a saving of ~21 hours. Unlike a 
> spambayes approach the cpu usage is next to nothing. It took 
> less than 21 hours to write (probably more like 10 hours or 
> so all told spread over a the weekend a few evenings) though 
> so there's a net benefit.
> You can consider it a mashup if you like because Kamaelia 
> components have outboxes and inboxes which are mashed together. 
> If you think of outboxes like RSS feeds (or pull from atom 
> pubsub) and inboxes as being similar to push in AtomPub, then 
> the differences are conceptually minimal. You then join the 
> dots together, much like in a mashup.
> Regards,
> Michael
> -
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