
2008/6/2 Martin Belam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> One thing I find <del>naive</del> interesting here is (and I could be
> wrong because I haven't waded through all of the reports) is that they
> don't seem to have a benchmark of what other similar sites might
> expect their figures to be for internal search use versus external
> search use.

I've read though the whole document now (I got stuck on a train the other
day) and I have to say that the whole thing seems just a little bit 'out of
date' as a general idea.

I can't for the lift of me understand why the BBC would want to run a search
engine in the first place.  Search engines are used to get those all
important queries that you can run adverts against.  Given that the site doesn't have adverts that seems a bit of a waste of time.

I could see the BBC having a special search engine for, say, children.  That
would make sense.  But you could do this using a customzied Google search
and not have it cost a penny.

Another way the BBC could do it, perhaps, would be to "support" a public
domain search engine project.  Perhaps.

IMHO the internal search engine is not that brilliant.  It is of no use
whatsoever for finding breaking news and all those other things that I tend
to use Google for.  I would be happy to expand if required.

The concern that the Trust seems to have is that BBC Search isn't keeping up
with Google, Live Search etc.

> Nor do they seem to have given any indication of what they
> think the 'right' balance would be, or whether they think other sites
> might also experiencing a drop-off in site search usage

The trend appears to be downwards (just) and for Google, Live Search etc is
it up.  That's as sophisticated as it gets.

> m
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Brian Butterworth - independent digital television and switchover advice,
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