
        On 04 July 2008 at 13:32 ,   Rob Mayers wrote: 
        On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Gareth Davis

                It uses CC-ND which only allows sharing with
attribution, it does not
                allow commercial reuse or you to 'alter, transform or
build upon this

        ND does allow commercial use. NC-ND would prevent commercial
        He doesn't mention BY or the version. He should. Only the old
1.0 CC licences had a standalone ND.

        ND is equivalent to the old one-line verbatim distribution
licence he used to use, and his reasons for doing so have to do with the
difference between source code and works of opinion.
        - Rob.

I was just following the CC link posted in the news article, it states
no commercial use. Has the wrong version been linked?
Gareth Davis | Production Systems Specialist

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