Hello Backstagers


I'd like to get the Wealth of Networks event on your radar, coming up this
week Thursday at Imperial College. It's rather short notice to be getting
the word out, so I'd love any help you can give me in passing this info on
to others who might be interested.

There will be a number of interesting panel discussions on topics which I
know are near and dear to many of you (such as the Mobile Economy,
E-Healthcare, and E-Gov), and Gareth Mitchell of BBC Digital Planet will be
moderating the main panel session. 

Please feel free to come out for any part of the day that you can make it -
and I hope to see many of you there!!







Wealth of Networks: Digital Economies and the Next-generation Internet

Bringing together researchers, industry and the UK community to explore the
future of the Digital Economy in the UK.

You are cordially invited to help shape the future of the Internet, and the
UK Digital Economy


Thursday, July 24th, 2008 - Imperial College, Tanaka Business School 


The EPSRC-funded Digital Economies Research Cluster, "Opportunities and
Challenges in the Digital Economy: an Agenda for the Next-Generation
Internet" announces an open forum to shape the direction of research into
the digital economy in the UK. 


This will be a national event which will bring together experts from across
the UK in conversation with the general public. We welcome a broad range of
views from everyone interested in the future of the Internet and the digital
economy. The forum will feature an open panel discussion with cluster
researchers and industry leaders, moderated by Gareth Mitchell (Digital
Planet-BBC World Service). These discussions will contribute to setting the
national funding council priorities for future research.

Topics will include:

* Next-generation Healthcare
* e-Government
* Digital Entrepreneurship
* The Mobile Economy
* Trust, Data and Security
* e-Society and the future of social networks

Attendance is free, but pre-registration is required. To register to attend,
please  <http://wealthofnetworks.eventbrite.com/> head on over to


To find out more of the details, please
<http://wealthofnetworks.wordpress.com/> visit our blog. 


(You can also find us at  <http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/904358/?ps=6>
Upcoming , on  <http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=20601581374> Facebook
, or follow us on  <http://twitter.com/wealthofnetwork> Twitter )



9.00 Registration 

9.30 Honorary Welcome - Sir Roy Anderson, Rector of Imperial College

9.45 Introduction  - Prof. John Darlington, Imperial College Internet Centre

10.00 Keynote Address - John Varney, founder and CEO of Maximum Clarity and
former CTO of the BBC

10.45 Coffee break

11.00 The Wealth of Networks Panel Discussion  - Moderated by Gareth
Mitchell, BBC Digital Planet


Panellists include Professor John Darlington of Imperial College, Dr. Gary
Graham of Manchester Business School, Dan Appelquist of Vodafone, John Barr
of The 451 Group, and John Hand of the EPSRC.

12.30 Lunch Interval

14.00 Breakout Discussion Sessions

* A time and a place: How can the Digital Economy provide Services for
Intelligent Mobility Management
* Using digital technology to improve people's health and the delivery of
* Internet economics & markets
* Innovation and entrepreneurship

15.00 Coffee

15.15 Breakout Discussion Sessions

* Self-evolving Internet
* Service infrastructure enabling the Digital Economy
* Trust, data and security
* Identity management in the Next-generation Internet

16.15 Concluding remarks

17.00 Reception









Gold Mobile Innovation Ltd




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