On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 10:43 AM, Deirdre Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > >2008/7/18 Oeztunali, Sebnem (CT) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > As said before there is a distinguishable difference between
> > streaming and downloading, hence even if P2P downloading is
> > old, P2P streaming is quite the sizzle...
> Quite the sizzle? I'm sold! :D
> This phrase is the best thing I've ever learnt in a DRM debate. I'm already
> figuring out how many times I'm going to be able to say it today.

Yeh that is pretty good haha.

In seriousness, if bandwidth providers (ISPs, whoever comes along next to
pay for it etc...) provide the pipe and market it to customers well enough,
don't you think that these killer apps (YouTube, iPlayer) will grow and
multiply to fit the available tech?
HD, more channels, wider opportunity for business, advertising and all that
other fund providing stuff to come in and use streaming?

The better and more capable the platform, the more we can do with it (that's
kinda obvious)... I wonder when consumer input tech (videocameras) will
become as easy as a mobile phone, to push real SD and HD onto the streaming
When it becomes that easy, it may not be known as the 'streaming web' or the
web at all, it might just be a STB or other easy to use consumer device?
Anyway enough straying from doing work and rambling, best get on with some

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