Hi James,

Thanks for the quick response, and I'll checkout getsatisfaction.com.

So quickly on the tracklisting front.  Once they're back in the /programmes
pages, would these get updated as they're played.  I.e. if  I polled a
tracklisiting feed from /programmes every 10 minutes, would I see the latest
tracks as they're played?  Or would the tracklisting only show up at the end
of a programme?  If the former then it may prove to be a more reliable data
source than the last.fm feed, although it might still be easier to use than
having to navigate to a tracklisting feed per programme, hmm....


2008/8/1 James Cridland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Chris Riley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So, I guess question number 1 is how supported is the publishing of now
>> playing data to last.fm?  Is it something that the BBC will provide their
>> own supported feed for as part of the new music site (especially as you are
>> showing playcount data as part of artist pages now?) or is it to remain
>> something you push to last.fm only.
> Hi, Chris,
> last.fm (and hackday) are not supported services, simply "best endeavours"
> (i.e. if it falls over, sorry). However, this is a good bug report, and I'll
> make enquiries.
> Both /music and /programmes are/will-be replete with feeds. You may have
> spotted that tracklistings appeared then disappeared in /programmes this
> week - we aim to get them back there shortly, within a few weeks, once a few
> niggles have been sorted out.
> I might point you to www.getsatisfaction.com/bbc to give us further ideas
> about the feeds you might want. While getsatisfaction.com isn't an
> official BBC support channel (a few of us are just playing with it), it
> might be a good way to suggest new features and feeds you'd like to see.
> j

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