On Tue Oct 14 11:32:36 2008, Nick Reynolds-FM&T wrote:
> the backstage mailing list may be interested in these blog posts -
> please do leave your comments
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/10/digital_media_anywhere.ht
> ml
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/10/mobile_drm.html
> drm isn't going to go away - but we are doing our best!

> Today, we are announcing that in partnership with Adobe we are
> building a platform-neutral download client.
> Using Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR),

Basing it on Adobe AIR is just as bad as having a proprietary BBC
program running on a native Windows clone (e.g., WINE). AIR still does
not support free software[1], and is as far from being platform
independent as the current client is. I need to be a) running
Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, or GNU/Linux, b) using an x86 compatible
processor, c) using a 32‐bit (compatible) operating system. I can tell
you I am not using any of the above; when will NetBSD on 64‐bit
PowerPC running entirely free software be supported?

I take it comes in any colour I like, as long as its black?

> these programmes are protected with DRM, but in a way that shouldn't
> affect your enjoyment of our programmes

Playing devil’s advocate slightly here, but what if I enjoy watching
programmes several years after they have aired?

[1] Free as in freedom <http://www.gnu.org/>

Fred O. Phillips
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