> > Couldn't really let this one pass without comment:
> > http://blog.wotsat.com/page/whatsat?entry=sky_re_invents_web_links
> > "In perhaps one of the most disingenuous claims in the history of 
> > marketing, Sky and the BBC have announced a deal to combine 
> > Sky Player 
> > and iPlayer.
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2008/10
> _october/2
> 0/iplayer.shtml
> "The BBC and Sky have announced that BBC iPlayer can now be 
> accessed via Sky Player, Sky's online TV service."
> what's disingenuous about that? Sky could just as easily have 
> refused to link to the iPlayer: the fact that they didn't is 
> worth a press release, IMO.

It's also a bit more than links - they're incorporating the
channel/schedule data into the Sky Player site before linking through to

I presume they could do that using RSS feeds if they wanted to (and may
actually be doing so).  Also there's the question of whether the Sky
Player usage of such XML feeds would fall foul of the BBC's standard
feed terms and conditions

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