Dear all,

We need to bring you up to date with developments with one of the feeds
that BBC Backstage introduced to the community.  The BBC travel data RSS
and tpegML feeds were highlighted by us some years ago, but it's about
to change for mainly technical reasons, and any services dependent upon
it will need to find alternative data supplies.

There's a complex context to these feeds. It's not owned by Backstage,
as you'll be aware.  It comes from the News area of the BBC, the English
Regions team in Birmingham actually.  They buy it in (under licence)
from a commercial 3rd-party supplier, Trafficlink Limited. It was via
these terms that Backstage were able to offer the feed to our members
through the standard Backstage terms and conditions - i.e. personal,
non-commercial use.

However, at the same time, for unconnected reasons, the actual technical
platform that the current feeds come from is changing.  This is down to
a number of essential reasons - you'll understand that BBC sites need
better, more scalable and supportable platforms.  In redesigning the
Travel News site the feeds used are changing, and the RSS and tpegML
feeds that you've been able to point to won't be there any more, as that
system is being decommissioned.

We probably should have made this clearer sooner.  We've migrated a lot
of Backstage, closed off some, but in the midst of this process we
haven't given you, the Journalism team or Trafficlink the information
you needed to see this change coming, and if we had, perhaps some of the
tension of recent weeks wouldn't have been so strident.  We're sorry.

Now that the migration of feeds is done the support information will be
available at 


Ant Miller, Senior Research Manager

mobile: +44 (0)7809 597757
BBC Research & Development
Technology Transfer, External Communications
South Lab, BBC Centre House 
56 Wood Lane 
W12 7SB

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